Effective training solutions

The simulator is a diagnostic and training program that utilizes custom-designed software packages to interactively practice problem-solving techniques off-press. Included in the software is a monitoring and cost analysis that allows the training process to correlate effective press utilization versus the theoretical cost on a "live" press.
Results are automatically analyzed with ASA ( Automatic Session Analysis).
This new training tool lets you automatically compare the trainee session history (how they analysed and solved a problem) with the “recommended” solution.

Sinapse has partnered with major industry organisations to create a set of Training Certificates.
These certificate go hand-in-hand with the trainee workbooks, and certify that : The trainee has completed all the assignments in the workbook (familiarisation with the print process, color and register adjustment and measurement, quality control, procedures, etc.
The trainee has passed a ‘live’ exam with a Sinapse Certified Trainer and satisfactory solved the problems in this examination.