Accueil > News and Events > Previous contests > PACKAGING PRODUCTIVITY CONTEST 2016

Sinapse Packaging Contest 2016
For the third edition of its worldwide contests, Sinapse offers the opportunity to all graphic arts students to get a
global overview of prepress and print production,
working from design to virtual printing on two different projects (a promotional poster and a flexible package),
using two different printing processes, Sheetfed offset and Flexo with the corresponding Sinapse simulators.
The participants to the contest will be working on the creation and production of the 2 jobs (poster and package) for a virtual company named VitamiPrint, leader on the market of Vitamins that develop appetite for printing knowledge.
The competition consists of 2 different parts :
Design teams have to submit the best poster and the best package of their school before January, 29th, 2016.
All printing teams will work on the best design projects for a 4 rounds competition on Shots Sheetfed and Flexo simulators from February 1st to April 14th 2016.
To win : a trip to visit Drupa 2016 for the 2 best designers, the 2 best print competitors and their 4 respective instructors.
Need to contact us for more information ?
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The participation to the contest implies the complete acceptance of the use of the name, logo and website of the schools that register, as well as the use of the images, photos and created jobs as royalty-free during and after the competition.
Mit der Teilnahme am Wettbewerb erklären sich die Teilnehmer mit der lizenzfreien Nutzung von Name, Logo und Webadresse der Schule sowie der erstellten Druckjobs während und nach dem Wettbewerb einverstanden.
La participation au concours suppose l’acceptation totale de l’utilisation du nom, du logo et du site web de la part des écoles qui se sont inscrites ainsi que l’utilisation libre de droit des images, photos et projets reçus par Sinapse pendant et après la compétition sans limite de temps.
La participación del concursante implica la aceptación del uso del nombre, logo y sitio web de las escuelas que se inscriban, así como la utilización de los trabajos que se hayan creado a manera de proyectos libres de regalías durante y después de la competencia.
A participação no concurso implica a aceitação integral do uso do nome, logotipo e website das escolas que se inscreveram, bem como a utilização dos trabalhos criados como projetos livre de royalties durante e após a competição