User quotes
What people are saying
These are quotations from users - taken from case studies, press releases and articles in the trade magazines. They have been classified by type of user.
There are Sinapse print simulators installed all around the world.
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“At one stroke, the simulator solves many of the fundamental challenges and guarantees that production need never be interrupted for training. It eliminates the waste of materials and the threat of damage to equipment. "

“Our primary business is selling ink, but any time printers see that we are also committed to helping them achieve their goals, that is of tremendous value. That’s why the simulator has become a staple in our portfolio of value-added services.”

“A 56-page newspaper equates to about 15 cents of paper. If I have a few thousand waste copies at 15 cents each, it adds up day to day, year to year. On the other hand, you don’t want to send out copies below your quality standard.”

“time after time, in country after country, the simulator has helped us accelerate the learning curve of operators and had them producing good impressions years earlier than any other training method.”

The simulator is an excellent training tool for our press operators in conjunction with our pay for skills program making simulator training a mandatory part of the promotion process.”