Accueil > News and Events > Previous contests > PACKAGING PRODUCTIVITY CONTEST > Design competition : Best jobs
Design competition : Best jobs
Sinapse Print Simulators Graphic Contest
We received fabulous works, far more imaginative and better designed that we may, at first, have expected.
Choosing between all these jobs was not an easy task and it took all Sinapse company and the help of our two independent judges to finally select the four best works and the winner in each category (Package and Poster).
We would like to thank all participants and remind them that even if their job is not listed below, they did a considerable effort, judging on the quality of what we received, and should remain proud of their proposals.

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Have a look at 2 posters created by Sinapse that includes all the beautiful creations done by the competitors for the Poster and Package parts of the contest.
Get a high resolution file to print the posters with Wetransfer

- Best Poster : SENAI Bauru, Brazil

- Best Package : ISTITUTO San Zeno, Italy
Find the results of endless discussions below :
Poster :
1st – SENAI BAURU Brazil WINNER – entitled to a free round-ticket to Drupa 2016

- 1st – SENAI BAURU Brazil

- 2nd – SAN ZENO Italy

- 3rd – RYBINSK Russia

- 4th – TAJAMAR Spain
Their job will be integrated into SHOTS simulator
Package :
1st – SAN ZENO Italy WINNER – entitled to a free round-ticket to Drupa 2016

- 1st – SAN ZENO Italy

- 2nd – SENA CALI Colombia

- 3rd – SENAI CEP Brazil

- 4th – ECOLE ESTIENNE Paris
Their job will be integrated into FLEXO simulator

- Angelo State University, USA

- Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, China

- Ecole Estienne, Paris

- Escola del Treball, Spain

- College of Applied Arts, Egypt

- Hunan University of Technology, China

- Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, China

- IES Leixa, Spain

- Lycée Cyfflé, France

- Novosibirsk Printmedia and II School - Russia

- Modern Science and Art University

- Publishing and Printing College by I Fedorov, Russia

- Ryerson University, Canada

- SENA Bogota, Colombia

- SENA Cali, Colombia

- SENAI CEP, Brazil

- SENAI Theobaldo de Nigris, Brazil

- Colegio Salesianos Atocha, Spain

- Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece

- Universidad Fidel Velazquez, Mexico

- University of Shanghai for Science and technology, China

- Xi an University of Technology, China

- Shenzhen Yuto Training center, China

- Angelo State University, USA


- College of Applied Arts, Egypt

- Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, China

- Instituto de Educación secundaria Leixa, Spain

- Lycée Cyfflé, France

- Publishing and Printing College by I Fedorov, Russia

- Rybinsk Polygraph College – Russia

- Ryerson University, Canada

- SENAI Theobaldo de Nigris, Brazil

- Colegio Salesianos Atocha, Spain

- Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece

- Universidad Fidel Velazquez, Mexico

- Modern Science and Arts University, Egypt

- University of Shanghai for Science and technology, China

- Novosibirsk Printmedia and II School - Russia

- SENAI Bauru, Brazil

- Instituto Tajamar, Spain

- Xi an University of Technology, China

- Shenzhen Yuto Training center, China

- Hunan University of Technology, China